Axis Bank Wardha bsr code

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Axis Bank Wardha list of BSR Codes

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Search Axis Bank BSR Codes in wardha

You can search BSR Code of Axis Bank in wardha by using the search box or you can browse through the table for all the branches of Axis Bank.

Axis Bank branches with bsr codes are available in 1 cities-


Where to find Axis Bank BSR codes in wardha?

Axis Bank BSR codes for wardha branches are provided along with the contact details and the addresses. You can use BSR codes along with the Axis Bank serial number and the date for filling the TDS/TCS returns report.

Axis Bank wardha branch BSR code for TDS/TCS returns report

Axis Bank BSR code figures should be reported correctly and legibly. Overwriting of figures should be avoided. Only one code or figure should be recorded in a column against each account. wardha Axis Bank officials submits the return to the Head/Zonal/Regional Office. The head office of Axis Bank sends the branch wise TDS/TCS returns to the Department of Statistical Analysis and Computer Services of the Reserve Bank.

Axis Bank, wardha BSR fund transfer report

BSR fund transfer relates to bank credit. Each branch/office wardha of a Axis Bank is required to submit the report of TDS/TCS return to the Reserve bank of India as on 31st March. The bank credit required to be reported comprises cash credits, overdrafts, loans and inland bills purchased and discounted, foreign bills purchased and discounted.
