361579 is the BSR code of Oriental Bank Of Commerce, Hazaribagh, Hazaribagh in New Delhi. This can be used for filling the TCS/TDS returns. 361579 BSR code is unique for each branch. The OBC Bank with BSR code 361579 is located at Kuju,Main Road, Nh-33, P.O. Kuju,Distt., Hazaribagh, Pin-825316, Jharkhand. Kuju,Main Road, Nh-33, P.O. Kuju,Distt., Hazaribagh, Pin-825316, Jharkhand.. Along with the BSR code and address, contact information is also included.
In OBC Bank, Hazaribagh, Hazaribagh BSR Code, the 7 character BSR code comprises of 3 characters in the beginning common for all the branches of Oriental Bank following the 4 characters for the respective branch.